

The modern world is an expensive place, where most households require two incomes to purchase even the modest of dwellings. With the progress womens have made in this generation, they tend to move to places that can boost their career, or any senses where they are comfortable of. Between juggling schedules to challenges in communication, anyone who's ever been in a long distance relationship can certainly tell you how hard it can be to make a LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP work. 

I really don't think that anyone - at least not any woman - intends to end up in a long-distance relationship, but sometimes you just cant help it. You fall in love with him/her in town, then suddenly he/she moves out of town. Or you meet him in a cafe had a small conversation and then fall for him until such time one of you gets shipped out.  Or maybe you hooked up with a scrumptious man while having a vacation, then when vacation ends this man just fly to a place where you cant think of?

It is too hard to comprehend and understandably difficult commitment to honor whether you and your partner decide to keep a long relationship going while you are apart. Difficult it may be but not impossible.

Peopple ask: Does holding on the mantra "distance makes the heart grow fonder" begin to give you some doubts? If you're troubled whether your long distance relationship will last long enough or not? Take time reading this...

In our daily lives, millions and millions of people got no choice but to face the truth that they are miles away from their loved ones. 

Executives on an offshore meetings, soldiers fighting for their land, highschool sweethearts pursuing their own careers and degrees in a distant universities, overseas workers who can't wait for their contract to finish and be with their families, movie stars shooting abroad, lovers who ran into each other online and waiting for the day they meet physically.

No matter who or what you are, there is no excemptions when it comes to trials posed by a long distance relationship. So, there is no doubt that you feel anxious and worry about this relationship but need not to break a glass since this kind of relationship will obviously still works.

Snubbing Naysayers

With all those billions of people mentioned above and managed to survive- I salute you all. The sad truth in here is no one really bothers to acknowledge the difficulties of keeping up a long distance relationship - people think it's downright absurd and is bound to fall and break.

However, I tell you this if you are involved in such kind of relationship: parents, bestfriends, co-workers, or classmates might have told you time and again that it's never going to work; that is not true. In fact, there are a lot of things you can do to keep your long distance relationship fiery and strong.

Facing Up To The Challenge

Just consider it as a challenge. There's a certain advantage to being miles away from your loved ones. Couples who has advantage of seeing each other often sometimes failed to count their blessings after some time. But in a case of a long distance relationship, you have every reason to defy distance, to keep connection alive, and to look forward to seeing each other again like it's the most important thing in the world! That's the excitement.

So, go on! Prove everybody is wrong!

Thanks to the internet, keeping in touch with sweethearts abroad is not as expensive as other modes of communication like in the past where it consumes a lot of your time and hassle of doing it. Thus, this has been one of the reasons why every long distance relationship would fall apart. You can exchange emails, chat and call each other. You may send flying kisses via webcams or flood each other's social networking site: facebook, tagged, etc with sweet nothings! So, stop believing on that rubbish "distance makes the heart forget"! It's a false belief.

Distance Not A Setback

Long distance relationship may sound uneasy and challenging, a thing you'll have to be scared of - BUT it's not impossible! If you really want to keep the relationship, the no one or anyone can persuade yo to do otherwise- not your family and friends, and most especially not the DISTANCE.

Distance should not be the basis to end a relationship. Distance should be defied and considered as a test to make the bond stronger. You are not alone, a lot of people survived with this kind of relationship. Millions and millions of people all around the world find it no problem. They survive long enough on a daily basis. And so can you!

Just keep in mind, that distance is prerequisite of partners where the shortest distance between two points is a line, connect those two points; then you'll meet and end up with each other considering you and him/her are the two points.

You may be far, but constant communication and have a strong belief - you'll survive. With long distance relationship, you'll find the meaning of every letters of this when you say it to your loved ones: I MISS YOU!!!


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