

Have you ever dream of what you are to become?Have you ever thought about in detail what it would be if you live your dream life right now?

Imagine there is a parallel universe existing at this very moment of time with you in it- where the only difference being this version of your life is living your dream life.

Now whaat would your dream life entail?Can you visualise everything?

It's the imagination you hold in your mind that can open up your world! We humans are the most creative thing ever made in this life.

Have you given up on your dreams believing they were ridiculous and unachievable long ago? But is there still a niggling feeling inside you of something lacking from your life- maybe even a subconscious yearning to pursue those dreams you hold inside yourself?

Well what's stopping you? Why not THINK BIG and make that life altering decision to move in the direction of your dreams now. Because all we have is the 'now', yesterday is gone and future which has been an illusion - so why wait when you can start as long as you want.

The choice is always yours- you can just sit back and accept everything living and carefully navigating your way safely through life OR you can start taking steps towards what is going to be a more fulfilling life FOR YOU!

The following steps are ones I have used so far one my own journey of self evolution to a much more fulfilled and happier life and I hope this can also help you out when seeking your own self:

List down the things you imagine,what your ideal or rather dream life would be like. The main core in making your dreams while lettig your mind run wild- where you are the ruler and sky really is the only limit here! The only limits are those you place upon yourself. Think of all the things you love and write them down- it makes you feel relax and put your mind in positive state where your ideas can flow. Once you have your list, put it somewhere you will see it everyday to motivate and inspire you- this will allow you to start visualising every day in the direction of your dreams.

Once you visulise your dream life and then you realize its possible for you, then you need to put the Law of Attraction into action every day of your life where basically like thoughts attract like thoughts. Whatever you have in your mind you will attract to it. We create our lives every day with thoughts we hold inside ourselves. It is our thoughts that determine our life whether we are aware of it or not.

Make a list of affirmations- whatever needs to be done they may be to move towards achieving your dreams. In essence, you are giving yourself a starting point in which to launch your energy towards the dreaam life you want. This allows momentum to build with the thought attention you will be giving it. Do whatever it takes however it may be small or big.

FEAR AND DOUBT  are the only thing will hold you back from stepping forward to the direction of living your ideal life. If you let go and just have faith within yourself you will get to discover that a whole new world opens up for you. Change is scary, it takes out of our comfort zone nor our control into the unknow, and then when we get there we wonder why we didn't do it sooner. It's only our mind that holds us back. Don't allow your mind to be the illusion it wants you to see and feel. If you take way all your internal mind about the past and future and all other irrelevant dialogue, think of all the room to use for much more beautiful thoughts and practices!


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