

Each of us is a unique individual. It is not necessary to say or ask why im not like her/him, why i am like this and not like that of her/him.We have weaknesses and strength, but it is within us how to overcome those weaknesses and utilize it as our strength.

Sometimes we block our dreams when we allow our fears to grow bigger than our FAITH. You may not believe this, but I say that nothing in life is to be feared of. It is only to be understood. This so called FEAR is just a darkroom where negatives develop.

The help you share to others - considered as your COURAGE. The time when you helped them, when you give advices, when you share your courage is the time you show that there is nothing to worry about. The only permanent emotion of the inferior of man is fear - fear of the unknown, the complex, the inexplicable.

Sometimes there is a time for us to take counsel of our fears, and there is a time to never listen to any fear. Always remember: There is much in the world that can make us afraid of. But there is much more in our FAITH to make us UNAFRAID of. 

The next chapter will give us hint on how to overcome fear though a 2 cents from this blog on how to overcome fear is: having a cheerful frame of mind, reinforce by relaxation is the best medicine that puts all ghosts of fear on the run.

The fear we feel within us is like a static energy that prevents us from hearing ourselves. Sometimes, because of fear we become so foolish with every decisions we make. Who is more foolish, the child afraid of the dark or a man afraid of the light? I have learned over the years with all the problems I have experienced, and knowing I'm living alone by myself that when one's mind is made up, this DIMINISHES FEAR. 

FEAR: they are just considered as FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL. Just have faith, never fear to suffer nor sacrifice. He who fears to suffer, suffers from FEAR.

Stay tune for the next one...........


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