

"What is my purpose"..A big question in life that none can compare nor even can stand a chance of answering it. 

Searching for your self and your purpose in life sounds a lot difficult that what most people think. Oftentimes, when asking people what is their pupose of existence could lead to a doubtful goals and duties, even routines.

Here are some of those: being a good person, being a better parent, being a good friend, a good adviser...and these are just all important where everyone really wants to be a better person, a better parent and a better friend-which is exactly opposite of the reality.

If you really like to search the speicific purpose of one's life, one that makes you enthusiatic, or one that gives you the comprehension that the life you're living now is greater than your own self, then the best way is to step out from your own shell and overcome your own limits - how? just step out on your comfort zone and you'll see...

As what Zig Ziglar said on his book "Over The Top", "You will never succeed as a wandering generality, you must become a meaningful specific" So, if you're that eager to get specific about your earthly mission, then this strategies might as well give you a clear view on what's next to you - your life purpose.

FIRST STEP: Is to find the answer of the question: "What is my purpose?"

Basically, the first step is to release all the disturbance and noise that keeps you from listening to that small voice within your heart, though your environment can be a valuable as well. But for your purpose in life, the counsel that you'll ever need is your own self - you and just you. The problem with this is that we are flooded with ideas, solicitations, opinions, feelings within us about how things should be in a result we become invulnerable to see things and hear our conscience.

Spiritual and personal maturity is your duty and no one else's would. It wouldn't really matter how many people will mold you who and what you should be neither what to do with your life. Once you're able to tune out these things by digging and developing "selective hearing", you can begin concentrating on the strategy to learn that will help you find your purpose.

START Listen to Yourself

The crucial step in building self-awareness and searching YOUR specific purpose here on this living world is to begin listening to yourself. The best method of doing that is keeping a track record- a journal, or a diary maybe where you can list down your thoughts, feelings, plans. The great Benjamin Franklin once said "If you're not to be forgotten when you're dead and rotten, either do things worth writing about or write things worth reading about". So true and so real and straight, and thus a lot of us lives from this quote of him since most of us are prolific writers who kept track of all their thoughts and reflections in journals, even blogs or a website, and personal letters.

Writing is a way to focus your mind. This can help you shift random thoughts that are bouncing around your mind everyday. Start listing these thoughts down then try to come up with answers to questions next to it like "What's the one thing I want for?" Once you start asking yourself these questions and building the skill of understanding how your mind works, and listening to your conscience, you will discover that your answers will become more specific and clear as a crystal.

and lastly...

Grab that Purpose in Your Life

The great writer Jack London once said: "You can't wait for inspiration to come to you, you must go after it with a club." I absolutely agree when it comes to searching our purpose here on earth. We need to start visulizing from our minds those things that can help us achieve a deeper understanding of our goals, our desires and wants. If you really want to achieve something, think that someone else out there anywhere he may be has already done it or the least close to it maybe.

So commit to your self and to your conscience and have a strong hold of the beliefs that interest you much. Together with this keep a writing in your journal and you will gradually succeed in finding your life puspose. "What is my purpose?" It may be the only question that will become less stressful in answering and more of an expression of your best self.

So good luck with your quest in finding your purpose....stay cool...


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