
7 Lies That Women Believe About Men

Do you know the 7 deadly lies that women are taught about men? Do you know that these beliefs cause more problems in relationships than most women realize. What are these lies? You are free to add more base on your experiences--:) You're free...

Lie #1 Men are Insensitive to Women

Lie #2 Men are afraid of the Marriage Commitment

Lie #3 All Men Cheat on their Partner

Lie #4 Men only want Sex

Lie #5 Men only want younger Women

Lie #6 Men have to have complete control in a Relationship

Lie #7 Men aren't Romantic (The biggest Lie of All)

A Woman who believes these lies will react to men differently than those who know better. Let's take Lie #7 for example. If a woman really believes that men aren't romantic, then what often happens is that she will try and "help" her husband/boyfriend act romantically toward her. She man hint or even demand that he do such things as bring her flowers or spend more time with her.

The results are predictable. Most men respond poorly to such "hinting." Wouldn't it be better to know the way to inspire him to be romantic more often? And with this, there are lot of ways to help men in a way they can work out your relationship and last long enough.


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